The Parish of St Dionis Back Church
Dr: To John Abbett
£ s d
June 10
To 3 large Pew keys -..2..3
To mending & Cleaning 3 locks-..1..6
To mending a Lock & key-..-..8
To a key & mending a Pew Lock-..1..-
To a key & mending & altering a large Rine lock to the Church door-..3..6
To a fine key & altering ye Lock of ye Door next Lime St-..4..7
To a large key to open 9 large stock locks-..2..6
To mending cleaning & altering 2 large stock Locks-..2..-
To a new Spring mending & Cleaning a large stock Lock
neat to Fenchurch Street
To a key to a Plate Lock-..1..-
To a key to a Prim Lock-..1..
To mending & Cleaning ye 2 Locks..1..4
To a Cup board Lock & fering on-..2..-
To a new Cover plate & wards & new sides of a lock to ye Iron Gate
To a new key & 3 new Screws-..2..6
To Nails & mending a Pd of hinges-..-..6
To a Chain for keys-..-..4
To a new Rim Lock with 2 key ye Door next ye Drs house-..8..-
To 3 large Screws & fixing on ye Lock-..1..9
To a Box Staple to ye Lock-..1..-
To a new large Lock to ye Steeple door next ye Bell Left-.2..-
To nails & fixing on ye Lock-..-..6
To 5lb of Lead & fixing ye Staple in Stone work-..1..6
To 2 Pew keys, mending & Cleaning 2 Pew Locks-..2..4
To a Tumbler, Collecward & mending a Pew Lock-..1..-
To 5 large keys to new Locks-..3..4
To mending & Cleaning 2 Locks-..1..4
To 3 large keys to Pews-..2..3
To mending 2 Locks-...-..6
[..] 7
To mending an Iron to ye Chimneys-..-..8
[..] 7
To a key mending a key to a Lock-..1..4
Card: Over£3..-..1