Brought Over£9.10.8
Ingrossing due of Feoffment0 12 6
Watchment & duty0 6 0
Writing several Letter to Mr White
in ye Countrey One of the Surviving
Feoffees & attending the Trustees in Town to
execute the Deed & read over the same 0 3 4
Paid Carriage to & from Mr White in
Hartfordshire & Witness is expences 0 2 6
Pd acknowledging Deed before
Lord Hard wrike to be Inrolled 0 8 6
Feeattending thereon & the Trustees 0 6 8
Pd Master of the Kings bench Office 0 3 0
Paid dwrelling Deed of 30
Rolls and Doignet 1. 5 8
Term fee0 5 0
£13 3 10
Reward ye 2 June
1737 of Mr Jasper Helmunt
The full Contents.
P Wark Andrews