St Dionis Backchurch Parish:
Churchwardens' Vouchers/Receipts

7th May 1727 - 1st June 1748

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLDBPP307000450

Image 450 of 138223rd May 1732

Mr Weed Church Warden May 23rd: 1732

£ S D

for a peace of hole d call0:0:8
for work and Nailes0:1:6
for mending the steple door & work and nailes0:1:0
for 3 Stands to the Benches0:3:0
for work to the Pewes and nailes0:1:0

May 31:

for 2 Planks to the Valt0:4:0
for work0:1:0

June 3rd:

for mending the doors of the Communion Table0:1:0
for work about the Cymes0:1:0
for a peace of Oke about ye. hamer of ye Clock 0:1:0
for Spicks work and Nailes0:1:0


for puting up the doors in steple stuff work & Nailes 0:3:0
for taking done 3 pewes and puting them up and
seting them up right and nailes0:5:6

July 12th

for takeing done the Book case and puting one a wanscut
back to it puting it up and puting one Iron plates 0:2:6

Sep 9th

for mending the forme0:0:8
for casing 3 pewes work and nailes0:1:0
for a Ladder0:3:6
£: 01:12:4

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