St Dionis Backchurch Parish:
Minutes of Parish Vestries

24th May 1759 - 19th December 1800

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLDBMV305020260

Image 260 of 45526th December 1782

of December Instant Read and Confirmed.


Mr. Church Warden Gosling acquainted the Gentleman
Present that this Vestry was held pursuant to the last
Adjournment for the Election of a Lecturer of this
Parish in the room of the Revd. Mr. Rhudde who has

An Order of Vestry dated the 17th. day of Janry 1760.
(on which day Mr. Rhudde was chosen Lecturer) was
Ordered to be read, and the same was read accordingly.

Then Mr. Viner moved that the Revd. John Moir< no role >
Curate of this Parish might be chose Lecturer in
the room of the Revd. Mr. Rhudde, and being seconded
by Mr. Galabin the Question was put on the said Motion
and Carried unanimously for Mr. Moir to be Lecturer
Saving always the Parish Rights to proceed by Ballot
at any future Election, In case there should be more
than one Candidate.

Mr. Moir being sent for returned thanks to the Vestry
and Inhabitants for the Favor conferred on him

Ordered that the Thanks of this Vestry be given to
the Revd. Mr. Rhudde for his careful discharge of the Office
of Lecturer, and that the two Church Wardens be desired
to acquaint him therewith.

Mr. Church Warden Gosling adjournd the Vestry
till another notice should be given

Nl: Andrews
Vestry Cl.

St. Stephen's Day

At a meeting on St. Stephen's day December 26th

Present Mr. Robert Gosling< no role > upper Church Warden
Mr. Richard James< no role > , Mr. Peter Pope< no role > .

Percival and
[..] Gifts

The several yearly Gifts and Benefactions following to
wit, Lady Osborne's Forty Shillings: Sir John Percival< no role > 's
One Shilling and four pence, the sum of thirty shillings
being the yearly Interest of Thirty Pounds bequeathed
by the Will of the late Dr. Tyson together with Eight
Shillings and three pence collected in the Church on
Christmas day making in the whole Three Pounds

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