Church Rate
present that a Rate or Assessment be made upon
the Parishioners Inhabitants and other Occupiers
of Houses Lands. Tenements shops stalls Etc. in the
said Parish for the necessary Repairs of the Church
and other necessary expences and Disbursements
concerning the same for one Year Commencing from
Easter last past to Easter next ensuing at the Rate
of Eight pence in the Pound to be computed
according to the Land Tax Books. And It is directed
that the Church Wardens do get such Rate made
and Confirmed as necessary.
Hen Gretton< no role >
Tho: Hudson< no role >
George Maynard< no role >
John Chauntrell< no role >
Peter Pope< no role >
Richd. James< no role >
James Hebort< no role >
William Lem< no role >
James Green< no role >
Jas. Allen< no role >
Robers Gosling< no role >
Wm Swonson
Edwd. Tutet< no role >
Benjn. Tomkins< no role >
William Mossat< no role >
J: W: Oswin
The Minutes of the last Vestry of the 19th. April
being read and Confirm'd Mr. Church Warden
Gretton adjourn'd the Vestry till another Summons
should be sent out.
Nl. Andrews
Vestry Cl.