St Dionis Backchurch Parish:
Minutes of Parish Vestries

24th April 1712 - 20th February 1759

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLDBMV305010033

Image 33 of 61714th May 1714

Mr: Harris & Mr: Seers
Joyners Pposalls examin'd &
orderd Mr: Seers shod: do same
according to Pposalls
this Agreemt is since exceeded

Then they proceed to peruse and examine the proposalls of Mr: Harris and
Mr: Seers for doing the Joyners and Carpenters worke and upon Examining them
severally upon their proposalls it was Agreed that the Latter should Doe the same
according to his proposalls delivered to the sd: Comittee and at the rates and prizes
the rates and prizes therein menconed (But this Agreemt: since Exceeded.)

Mr. Cotton ye Plaisterer

Then upon their Puring & Exaing the Proposalls (of Mr: Cotton) for the doing of the
Plasterers Worke it was fully Agreed that he Shod: do the same according to his
Proposalls delivered to the sd: Comittee

Mr. Powell's Pposalls Consented to
for to do the Painters worke

Then upon pusing (Mr: Powell) ye painters proposall for doing the Painters
Work it was Agreed that he shod: do the same according to his proposalls delivered to
the Comittee

Att a Meeting (of the Comittee for Repairing the Pish Church of St:
Dyonis Back Church London held in the Vestry the sd: Church ye: 27th: day of May 17th

Mr: Holloway Senr: Church Warden

Mr: Hankey
Mr: Lindsey< no role >
Mr: Eames
Mr: Ingram< no role >
Mr: Tryon

Mr: Seers the Joyners
Proposalls receeded

Mr. Harris and Mr: Litchfeild's
Proposalls accepted of

This Meeting was to Consider further of what Agreemt: they had
made with Workemen for the repaires of the said Church And upon Pusing & Exaing
the further Proposalls of Mr: Harris< no role > and Mr: Litchfeild< no role > for doing and Pforming
the Joyners and Carpenters Work and of their Former Agreemt: made with Mr:
Seers for doing thereof the 21st: of May Instant and upon calling in Mr: Seers and
Examining him upon the Subject matter thereof it was then fully Agreed upon that
their said former Agreemt: with Mr: Seers should be receeded & that the sd: Harris and
Mr: Litchfields should be the Joyners and Carpenters work required to be done in the sd.
Church according to their Collaterall proposall delivered to the said Comittee & ye
Articles be drawne & Ingrossed accordingly


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