At a Meeting of the Church Wardens Vestrymen and
Parishionrs, of this Pish held at the Vestry house on Fryday the 26th
day of Decembr. Viz being St. Stephens day
Mr. James Webster< no role >
Mr John Barker< no role >
} Church Wardens
Mr. Pernell
Mr White
Mr Ingram< no role >
Mr. Marriner
Mr. Dawson< no role >
Mr. Hankey
Interest of £30 given by
Dr. Tyson given to the Poor
This Meeting was Sumoned by Mr.
James Webster< no role >
for the Distribucon of Thirty Shillings the Interest
money of Thirty pounds Given to the poor of this parish by the Last
Will & Testament of Dr Tyson Deced which was distributed
accordingly in mannr. Following (Vizt)
To Bettell:£0:2s:6d
To Gregman£0:2s:6d
To Court£0:2s:6d
To Whisken£0:2s:6d
To Fox£0:2s:6d}
Tot: £1:10s:0d
Penconr {To Hedges£0:2s:6d
To Salmon£0:5s:0d
To Williams£0:5s:0d
To Martha£0:2s:6d
To Tombes£0:2s:6d
Mr Tindalls gift
March the 20th. 1712 was distributed the Annuall Guift of Mr.
Roger Tindall Armorer deced heretofore a parishioner of this parish being
£2:12s:0d given by the deced to the parish Clerk & poor of this parish
as Followeth. (Vizt)
To ye parish Clerk£0:2s:0d
To Goody Court£0:3s:0d
To Goody Griggman£0:6s:0d
To Goody Whisken£0:6s:0d
To Goody Fox£0:6s:0d
To Goody Tisdell< no role >
To Goody Bettell£0:6s:0d
To Goodman Nason£0:4s:0d
To Goodman Hedges£0:3s:0d
To Goody Williams£0:5s:0d
To Goody Dawson£0:5s:0d
Entred & Examint 4 Apr.1713