St Dionis Backchurch Parish:
Minutes of Parish Vestries

24th April 1712 - 20th February 1759

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLDBMV305010010

Image 10 of 61724th April 1712

At a Vestry held the 24th day of April 1712


Dr. Gatford

Mr. Richd White< no role >
Mr. James Webster< no role > } Church Wardens

Mr. Hayward< no role >
Mr. Ingram< no role >
Mr French
Mr. Hicks
Mr. Holloway
Mr. Purnell< no role >
Mr. Hankey
Mr. Dawson< no role >
Mr. Barker
Mr. Quartermaine

Mr. Buscoe< no role >
Mr. Hebert
Mr Grant
Mr Bayley
Mr. Hartley< no role >
Mr. Jenkins
Mr Smith
Mr Earnes
Mr Husley
Mr. Davies
With others

This Vestry was Summoned by Mr White Upper Churchwarden
for the Choyce of Parish officers for the Year Ensueing (Vizt,) Collectr
for the poor, Sidesman & Churchwardens

Mr. Edwd. Hayward< no role >
Mr. Richd. Davis< no role > .

First were put up for Collectrs. for ye. Poor the Persons following (Vizt) Mr
Edwd. Hayward< no role > Mr. Richd Davies< no role > & Mr. Richd. Firrell< no role > who being Severally
put up the Choice fell on Mr. Hayward & Mr Davies

Mr. Alexr. Patterson< no role > This name instance is in set 1484.
Mr. Jno. Barnard< no role >

Then were put up for Sidesmen Mr. Alexander Patterson< no role > This name instance is in set 1484. & Mr.
John Barnard< no role > and were Both chosen

Mr. James Webster< no role >
Mr. John Barker< no role > }

Then were put up for Churchwardens Mr. James Webster< no role > , Mr. John Barker< no role >
Mr. Richd. Hallam< no role > wch. were Severally put up to ye Vote and the Choice fell
on Mr. Webster & Mr. Barker

Exartr & Mr hmyd

Then it was Order'd that any five Persons that had Served the
office of Churchwardens should Audite the Accounts of Mr. Richard
White Churchwardens whose Accounts they are to Audite within one
month after the Date about Written

At a Vestry held on Assencon day ye 29th. of May 1712


Mr. James Webster< no role >
Mr. John Barker< no role > } Church Wardens

Mr. Parnell< no role >
Mr. Hankey
Mr. Quartermaine

Mr. White
Mr. Marriner
Mr. Earnes

This Vestry was Summoned by Mr. Webster Upper Church Warden
the Distributeing the Gifts following (Vizt) Sr. Robt. Clark< no role > £2. Mr: Wareham< no role >
7s 6d Mrs. Deans 3s:4d in all £2:10:10 wch. was Distributed accordingly
Followeth (Vizt)

Enter'd & Examinant 31 May

To Grigman0:2:6

To Fox£0:5:0

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