Orderd that Mr Parnell
[..] doe Inspect the
Pish duties that Thorne
lives in
Ordered that Mr Parnell Mr Ferris Mr Gibson Mr Hall and the
Prsent Churchwardens doe inspect ye house that Thorne lives in
concerning ye parish Dutys & agree & determine ye Matter.
Att a Vestry held yt 22d of December 1701
Isaac Bennett< no role >
Rich: Bayly< no role >
Ch: Wd:
Mr Robt. Parnell< no role >
Mr Tho: Shackle< no role >
Mr John Hall< no role >
Mr Wm Phillipps< no role >
Mr Anthony Ferris< no role >
Mr John Blackall< no role >
Mr Tho: Tewsley< no role >
Abdys Gift
[..] paid Sympson
This Vestry was assembled for Distribution of ye sume of
seven pounds ten shillings being ye Guift of Alderman Abdy
deced And
Thomasin Simpson< no role >
setting forth her poverty and
Industry and praying yr benefitt of five pounds part of ye said
Gift which Peticon being putt to ye vote was granted & ye said
five pounds was then paid her And ye sume of £2: 10s: Residue
was distributed as followeth Vizt.
To ye Minister & Clarke as P Will£0..10s..0d
To Goody Whiskin< no role >
To Goody Martin£0..5s..0d
To Goody Bell£0..4s..0d
To Goody Deaves£0..10s..0d
To Goody Parr£0..10s..0d
To Goody Slaughter£0..3s..0d
To Goody Grigman£0..8s..0d
50s Sacramt: money
Att ye same time was distributed fifty shillings of the
sacrament money in manner following vizt.
To Goody Coates£0..10s..0d
To Goody Harris£0..2s..6d
To Goody Whisken£0..5s..0d
To Goody Martin£0..2s..6d
To Goody Bell£0..2s..0d
To Goody Deaves£0..2s..0d
To Goody Parr£0..2s..0d