St Dionis Backchurch Parish:
Workhouse Inquest (Visitation) Minute Books

20th May 1761 - 29th April 1788

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLDBIW302010065

Image 65 of 1717th August 1770

Order'd, Sarah Stecton< no role > 2 Shifts, 2 Caps, and on
under Pettycoat, Sarah Wardell< no role > one pair of Shoes
& one pair of Stockings. William East< no role > a pair of
Shoes & Stockings.

Gave the Men & Women one Shilling each, and the
Children six pence each.

Order'd That Mr. Andrews deliver the Church Wardens
for the Time being a Copy of the Agreement
between the Parish & Messn. Phillips and

Hoxton 19th. July 1770 .


Mr. Henry Gretton< no role >
Thomas Hudson< no role > }
Church Wardens

Peter Pope< no role >
Richard James< no role > }

The Poor were all call'd in, severally examined, had
no Complaints,

Ordered. William Johnson< no role > , and Richard Ebrall< no role > to
attend the Ward. School in order to be admitted.

Hoxton 7th. August 1770 .


Mr. Henry Gretton< no role >
Thomas Hudson< no role > }
Church Wardens

Peter Pope< no role > Overseers.

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