St Dionis Backchurch Parish:
Workhouse Inquest (Visitation) Minute Books

20th May 1761 - 29th April 1788

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLDBIW302010058

Image 58 of 1717th February 1769

Hoxton 3d. January 1769 .


Mr. Thomas Kellam< no role > This name instance is in set 15151515. . Ch. Wardens

Mr. Henry Newton< no role >
Mr.William Lem< no role > }

The Poor were all call'd in and Separately examined
no Complaints. Gave the old People one Shilling each
the Children Six Pence, being Gifts of the Parish.

Hoxton 7th. February 1769 .


Mr. Thomas Kellam< no role > This name instance is in set 1515. Ch. Wardens

Mr. Henry Newton< no role >
Mr. James Green< no role > }

The Poor were all call'd in and Separately examined
& no Complaints, Order'd Margaret Stevens< no role > to be properly
cloathed, and Webbs Cloaths to be taken out of Pawn,
and John Webb< no role > Junior to be properly taken of respec
ting his Head.

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