7th. November 1768
Mr. Thomas Kellam< no role > This name instance is in set 1515.
. Ch. Wardens.
Mr. James Green< no role >
. Overseer
The Poor were all calld'd in, and Separately examined
& no Complaints. Gave the Grown People Six Pence
each, and the Children three Pence each. Order'd
Samuel Potters Cloathing to be complicated.
6th. December 1768
Mr. Thomas Kellam< no role > This name instance is in set 1515.
. Ch. Wardens.
Mr. Peter Pope< no role >
Mr. Henry Newton< no role >
Mr. William Lem< no role >
Mr. James Green< no role >
The Poor were all call'd in and Separately examined
no Complaints. Order'd Chambers a pair of Jumps
Elizabeth Saunders< no role >
a Blue Baize Cloaks, Elizabeth
Yearly< no role > This name instance is in set 3228.
a pair of Pattens; Gave Saunders, Sarah pence< no role >
& Mary Romney< no role >
one Shilling each.