St Dionis Backchurch Parish:
Workhouse Inquest (Visitation) Minute Books

20th May 1761 - 29th April 1788

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLDBIW302010052

Image 52 of 17129th March 1768


Ordered, Mary, Richd, and Thos. Ebral< no role > to the
House at Hoxton & to have necessary cloathing.

Decem 17

Discharged Mary Ebral< no role > from Ye House & Send her to
her aunty in ye Country. Decemr 25. dischd. Sarah Pierce< no role >

Hoxton Feb 2.1768

Present {

Jas: Green< no role >
Mr. Kellam} Church Wardens

Mr. Newton
Mr. Pope} Overseers

The Poor wasSeverallyCalled in & Severally
Examin'd, no Complaints except the Infirmities
of Age in Mr. Rowney & Actdy Field. for whom
Order'd wine or Such Nourishing things as were
necessary to their Petyions Condition Gave ye
last 6d & Mr Rowney 1s

Hoxton March 1st: 1768


Jas Green< no role > Church Warden

Mr. Newton
Mr. Pope
Mr. Lem} Overseers

The Poor were Calld in & examin'd, no
Complaints, Mr. Rowney So ill She Could not
attend. distributed one shilling each to Seven
Poor People & Three pence each to the Seven

Orderd Irons to be got for Richd Ebrals< no role > Cooked

March 29

Sent Robt: Lancaster< no role > to Hoxton House (after bring-
-ing him from witham in Essex ) to continue till
the Banns Can he Publish'd between him & Eliz. Davis< no role >
whom he has Promised to Marry.

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