Him, in Order to compleat the taking up of his Freedom the
same was referred to the consideration of the next meeting
Joseph Chambers< no role >
desir'd a Pair of shoes, and Elizabeth Holds-
worth< no role >
a coloured Aprons.
London 5th, July 1763
Mr. Francis Leach< no role >
Mr. William Kippax< no role >
Church Wardens
Mr: Richard James< no role >
The Poor were all call'd in and severally examined, when
Elizabeth Yeaxley< no role > This name instance is in set 3228.
wanted, Shoes, Stockings, Gown & a
Little Physick.
Ann Woolnoth< no role >
a little Physick.
Mary Romney< no role >
a Pair of Shoes.
Thomas Watson< no role >
a Cap & Pair of Stockings.
Agreed to give the Poor Six Pence each.
London 2ds, August 1763
Mr: William Kippax< no role >
Church Warden
Mr. George Maynard< no role >
Mr: Peter Pope< no role >
Mr. Richard James< no role >