Meat we agree to allow each of them 3d P Head the first Tuesday
in every Months, It's commence and take Place on Tuesday
the first instant.
Called the Poor severally in, inquired into their State & had
no Complaints from any of them
6th. October 1761
Mr: James Heberts< no role >
Church Warden
Mr: Richard James< no role >
Henry Newtons< no role >
Mrs: James Mrs: Newtons Proposed that each of the
Women be allowed a Copuchin of Blue Colchester Bays.
Since on last Meeting Mary Rumney< no role >
& Ann Woolnough< no role >
admitted Viz.
Mary Rumney< no role >
the 10th. of September
& Ann Woolnough the 18th. Do.
Called the Poor severally in; & severally examined, had
no Complaints, was informed that Eliz. Holdsworths< no role >
was discharged the 28th. of September last.
3 November 1761
. Williams Wilds< no role >
Mr. James Hebert< no role >
Church Warden
Mr: Peter Pope< no role >