4th August 1761
: William Wild< no role >
Mr: James Hebert< no role >
Church Wardens
Mrs: Peter Pope< no role >
Richard James< no role >
Henry Newtons< no role >
Called the Poor severally in inquired into their State
had no Complaint.
Since the last Meeting the following Persons were admitted
& Put upon the Rolls Viz
James Wilds< no role >
Thomas Gamuels< no role >
Eliz. Holdsworth< no role >
Ordered Mr: Birch Pursuant to a Motion of the last Meeting
to allow the Poor on every first Tuesday in every Months
from the date above a joint of roast Meat, Beef or Mutton
& sometimes a Shoulder of veal & each Person a Pint of
Porter on three half Pence of Put into their Pockets,
8th. September 1761
. Williams Wilds< no role >
Church Wardens
Mr. Richard James< no role >
Peter Pope< no role >
Upon desire of the Poor we thought it necessary to alter our
Resoluations of the 7th. July & 4th,. August and instead of roast