St Dionis Backchurch Parish:
Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor Account Books

25th April 1795 - 24th September 1798

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLDBAC300040019

Image 19 of 15124th July 1798

[..] Ball Junr

20 Gown Stays 2 Shifts £.s.d
un Coat & ApronW1.11.6
27 Shawl up CoatW Board & [..] .17.6
[..] 20 Gone out to Work-10.6
£ 2..19..6

Repaid what Mr. Hunter
advanced to Mc. Ball Sr . to get
Necessaries for her in her Month}-..10..6
3 Yds. FlannelG-..3..-
Gave her to buy a Shift for her-..3..-
Gave for support lying in-..10..6
Gave Martha< no role > Ball Senr
to buy Gown for Dr}-..10..6


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