An Account of what Money paid by Mr. Thomas Powell< no role >
the Use of the Parish Church as followeth Vizt.
£ s d
[..] 4th. 94: Pd for nine and ptners Oath at Doctrs. Comons00 05 04
Spent about Parish business Mr Layfeild Mr Hannard Mr Parnell Mr Stevens Prsent00 08 00
18 Pd Hammond two Weeke due this Day00 04 00
Pd for Dinner Assencon Day06 07 03
19 Pd Mrs. Jackson two Weeks due this Day00 06 00
23 Pd for two Praien Books the Fast00 02 00
24 Pd Mr Jarmnis Guift to Whiskin, Martin Senior
. & Junior
, Court Wagstaff Hamond Par Jackson & Bell 01 00 00
Pd Mr Free four Weeks Mary Gould< no role >
Twelve Shillings Purchas two Shillings and Six pence00 14 06
25 Pd John James< no role >
for four Weeks lodging for Hamond due this Day pursuant to green of late Churchwarden 00 18 00
Pd for Rodds given the Children Assencon Day00 07 06
Pd Hamond a Weeke due this Day00 02 00
Pd Jackson Ditto00 03 00
26 Gave the Woman that cleaned the Church to Druke00 01 00
28 Gave Mr Jackson for the ransom of a Calver head00 02 00
30 Spent at Kemptons about Parish business00 00 10
Gave a poore Woman and Children in Distress00 02 00
[..] 1st Pd. Hammond a Weeke00 02 00
Pd Ditto at his takeing his Children00 05 00
Pd Jackson a Weeke00 03 00
5 Pd to Mr. Deputy Wood P order105 16 06
Spent at the same time Mr. Cooke Mr Deputy & Mr Layfeild< no role >
00 06 09
7 Pd Mr Dan:Rawlinson< no role >
the Bills of his Accot.113 02 00
18 Pd Hammond a Weeke due this Day00 07 00
Pd Jackson Ditto00 03 00
21 Pd Mr Free four Weeks Mary Gold< no role >
& for two Shifts01 00 00
Pd Mrs. Martin a Quarters Pencon due Midsomer last 01 12 06
Pd Goodman Court Twenty Six Shillings Widdow Wagstaffe Fifty two Shillings Widow Harris Twenty three Shillings 05 01 00
Pd Nurse Naisbe one Quarter for Coppin due Midfomer last01 17 06
Pd Jackson Rent due Ditto01 01 00
29 Pd Hammond three Weeks01 01 00
Pd Jackson Ditto00 09 00
Pd Mr Beard one Quarter nursing four Children due ye twenty fifth07 05 08
Pd Nurse Fowiecloth Ditto for 9 Children16 03 06
Spent on many of the Paritioners at receiveing Mr Gatfords Token00 15 06
Sent P Mr Stone a Guiney to Drink a Glass with Mr. Gatford from the Parish01 02 06
Pd Mrs. Martins Bill03 06 04
July 2d. Pd Nurse Marshall for two Children due Midsomer02 15 06
Pd Nurse Ipsley for three Children Ditto04 09 00
Pd ditto for burying Geo: Dennis< no role >
00 08 06
6 Pd Hamond a Weeke00 07 00
Pd Jackson Ditto00 03 00
Pd Mrs Free for keeping Mary Gould< no role >
three Weeks00 09 00
Pd Mr Powell for a Coffin and Shrond for Geo:Dennis< no role >
00 04 00
13 Pd Hammond a Weeke00 07 00
Pd Jackson Ditto00 03 00
Pd Mr Cooke as Collected for the French Protestants12 16 00