Court day Continued the 2d: of March 1730
Is the Chamber of London oblidged to pay the above bond either in law or Equity
Mr Bunbury's Opinion
After such a length of time the Bond will be presumd to be satisfyed, unlesse there have been
demands made since, or the Obligees can prove paymt, of Interest lately-W: Bunbury Inner
Febr 16th- 1729
Mr Lutwych's Opinion
I am of opinion that If there has been no demand made nor any Interest paid in twenty yeares time
the Bond will be presumed to be satisfyed unless there be some Evidence to take off that prsumpcon
And as this length of time is above four times twenty yeares that there has been an Acquescence
I do not see any probability of Success
Tho: Lutwyche< no role >
Febr 22d: 1730
Att the Hall March the 24th- 1730
PresentMr Joseph Spencer< no role >
Edward Bowcher< no role >
Matthew Deane< no role >
Benjamin Barlow< no role >
Mr Thomas Bowcher< no role >
Mr Thomas Dawson< no role >
Mr Samuell Boughton< no role >
Mr Thomas Boddell< no role >
Mr Thomas Willmor< no role >
Freeman Serjeant
William Serjeant< no role >
John Serjeant< no role >
Citizen and Carpenter
of London deced
by patrimony upon the Testimony's of
Thomas Cousins< no role >
Citizen and Plaisterer
of London
John Man< no role >
Citizen and Plaisterer
of London made free