Carpenters' Company:
Minute Books of Courts and Committees

2nd February 1787 - 2nd December 1800

About this document type

Currently Held: Guildhall Library, London

LL ref: GLCCMC251020094

Image 94 of 2114th December 1792

At a Court of Assistants Holden at Carpenters Hall
on Tuesday the Fourth day of December 1792


Mr. Lawrence Master

Mr. Staines
Mr. Woodyer
Mr. Arrow

Mr. Thomas Charlton< no role > Paid his Quarterage to Michs. 2..1..-
Mrs. Mary Smith< no role > Paid Do.-..11..6
Mr. John Surridge< no role > Paid Do.-..12..-
Mr. John Baker< no role > Paid Do.7..6
Mr. John Houghton< no role > Paid Do.2..-
Mr. Stephen Cosser< no role > This name instance is in a workspace. Paid Do.18..-
Mr. Smith Nathl. Blagrave< no role > Paid Do.-16..8
Mr. Richard Fothergill< no role > Paid Do.6..-

Smith to Smith

John Smith< no role > bound to his Mother Mary Smith< no role > of Bishopsgate
Street Grocer & also Citizen & Carpenter of London Consideration
£23 Charity Money being Part of Westons Charity

Baker to Baker

John Baker< no role > bound to his Father John Baker< no role > of Hoxton in the
County of Middlesex Carpenter & also Citizen & Carpenter of London
Consideration Nil

Bottomley to Houghton

Joseph Bottomley< no role > Son of Isaac Bottomley< no role > of Slombridge in the
County of Wocester Clothier bound to John Houghton< no role > of Fetter
Lane London Carpenter & also Citizen & Carpenter of London
Consideration £10

Smith to Cosser

Robert Peter Smith< no role > Son of John Smith< no role > of Westminster bound
to Stephen Cosser< no role > This name instance is in a workspace. of the same place Timber Merchant & also
Citizen & Carpenter of London Conson Nil

Fothergill to Fothergill

Thomas Fothergill< no role > Son of John Fothergill< no role > of Doctors Commons
Wine Merchant bound to Richard Fothergill< no role > of Clapham
in the County of Surry Citizen and Carpenter of London
Consideration Nil


William Charlton< no role > bound to his Father Thomas Charlton< no role >
of Peter Street Bishopsgate Street Carpenter & also Citizen &
Carpenter of London made Free on the Testimony of his
said Master .

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