At a Meeting of the Guardians of
the Parish Infant Poor at the Work house
on Wednesday the 16th. day of December
Present Mr Francis Pearse< no role >
Peter Astie< no role >
John Hough< no role >
The Master of the Workhouse Reported that William York< no role >
mentioned in the Minutes of the last Meeting now remain
in the Workhouse the Guardians not having fixed on [..]
Nurse he should be Sent to-And that Thomas
Evans< no role >
& Samuel Smith< no role >
Bastard Children mentioned
likewise in the Minutes of the last Meeting were
discharged out of the House with their Mothers by out
of the Workhouse Committee on the 9th. day of November
Also that the her following Children have been admitted
received into the Workhouse since the last Meeting (Vizt.)
Sarah Pachall< no role >
4Mos:12daysNovr. 12th.
Thomas Martin< no role >
And that Elizabeth Baller< no role >
born in the Workhouse on
26th. Day of October last, was on the 3d. day of this
Instant December passed with her Mother to [..]
The abovenamed William York, Sarah Pachall, Thomas
Martin the named Sarah Culling< no role >
being brought
before the Guardians were found to be good health