Ordered that Ann White< no role >
before named be forthwith Sent
into the Country to Nurse
The Master of the Workhouse Reported that William
Rusted< no role >
aged about 2 Years & 3 Months who was at Nurse
at Mr Fritter's at Barking Side died there on the 30th.
day of March last all necessary & Proper Care having
been taken of him during his Illness.
At a Meeting of the Guardians at the Workhouse
on Wednesday the 10th. day of June 1778
W William Brander< no role >
Thomas Sabe< no role >
John Hough< no role >
The Master of the Workhouse Reported that Ann White< no role >
was on
the 4th. day of May last sent into the Country to Nurse pursuant
to the Order made at the last Meeting for that purpose
And that Margaret Jenkins< no role >
, Robert Knight< no role >
, Ann Knight< no role >
and Mathew Jermain< no role >
mentioned in the Minutes of the last
Meeting now remain in the Workhouse
-And further
that the following Children have been admitted and received
into the Workhouse since the last Meeting. (vizt.)
Childrens NamesAgesWhen admitted
Luke Robins< no role >
2 Mos 4 DaysMay13th.
Mary Robins< no role >
4 Mos 10 DaysDo.
The Guardians present thereupon had all the abovenamed
Children now remaining in the Workhouse brought before them
& Examined and found them all in good health