Middlesex ss}
John Robertson< no role >
maketh oath that
he heretofore rented a house at the Yearly rent of Eleven
Guineas in
Sun Yard
in the Parish of St Botolph witht
in the Sd County & lived therein for four Years
& paid Kings Taxes for the same That he has not Since
rented a house of the Yearly rent or Value of Ten Pounds
or upwards or Served any Parish office or Paid any
Poors rates or Kings Taxes or done any Act to gain a
Subsequent Settlement That he hath three Children
Alexander< no role >
aged about twelve years
Robert< no role >
aged about ten Years &
William< no role >
aged about
Seven Years the lawful issue of this Deponent
by his now wife
Amelia Robertson< no role >
to whom he
was lawfully married
Sworn this 25th day
of Novemr 1786
R Davies
John Robertson< no role >