St Botolph Aldgate Parish:
Pauper Settlement, Vagrancy and Bastardy Exams

21st November 1785 - 13th January 1787

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLBAEP103220083

Image 83 of 1116th November 1786

Middlesex ss}

Margaret Charlton< no role > the widow of
John Charlton< no role > deced maketh oath that her Sd
late husband was by birth an Irishman & never
did any Act to gain a settlement in England That she
this Deponent was born in the Town of Rissen in
Denbishire in Wales & never did Any Act to gain a
Settlement in her own right Save what she might
have Acquired by her Marriage That She hath a
Daughter named Margaret Charlton< no role > now resident
in the Workhouse belonging to the Parish of Saint
Botolph witht Aldgate in Middx who to this Deponts
Knowledge information or belief never was bound
An Apprentice nor ever lived as a hired Servant for
the Space of a year nor was ever Married nor ever
did any Act to gain a settlement in her own right

Sworn this. 6. day
of Novemr 1786
R Davies

The Mark of
Margaret [mark] Charlton< no role >

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