Middlesex ss}
Ann Dilloway< no role >
the Wife
Dilloway< no role >
maketh oath that her Said husband is lately
gone from her to Place to her unknown that her Said
husband heretofore lived in and rented a house Known
by the
Sign of the Kings head
at the Yearly Rent of Thirty
Pounds in the Parish of Chinkford
in the County of
and by means thereof gained a legal Settlement
there That he has not Since rented a house of the Yearly
rent of Ten Pounds or upwards or Served any Parish
Office or Paid any Poors Rates or Kings Taxes or done
Any Act to gain a subsequent Settlement That She
this Deponent hath a Child name
Martha Priscilla< no role >
the lawful Issue of this Deponent by her Said
husband to whom She was lawfully married the
which Child is Aged about four Years
Sworn this. 23. day
of June 1786
R Davies J. Hawley
The Mark of
Ann [mark] Dilloway< no role >