Middlesex ss}
Ann Weight< no role >
the wife
John Weight< no role >
maketh oath that her Said husband is now absent from
her & hath refused to provide for her & left her destitute
of Support That her Said husband was heretofore hired
& lived as a hired Servant
by & with Mr
Thomas Callener< no role >
a Coal merchant
St John Street
in the Parish of
St James Clerkenwell
in the Sd County at Certain Wages
& Continued in Such Service under Such hiring for the
Space of two years That her Sd husband has not Since
rented a house of Ten Pounds a year or upwards
or Served any Parish Office or paid any Poors rates or
Kings Taxes or done any Act to her Knowledge or
belief to gain a Settlement Since Such his Servitude
as aforesd. That She hath a Child a Male which has
not as yet been baptized aged about Four months
the lawful Issue of this Deponent by her Sd husband
to whom She was lawfully married
Sworn this 7. day
of March 1786
R Davies Robr, Smith< no role >
The Mark of
Ann [mark] Weight< no role >