Middlesex ss}
Elizabeth Fudge< no role >
the widow
Simon Fudge< no role >
deced maketh oath that about three Years ago (& Since
her Said husbands death) She this Deponent lived in and
rented a house of one
Thomas Bayly< no role >
at the Yearly rent
of Twelve Pounds in the
Parish of Saint George
in the
Sd County of Middlesex
and resided thereon for about
the Space of three months That She has not Since rented
a house of the Yearly rent or Value of Ten Pounds or
Paid any Poors rates or Kings Taxes or done any Act
to her Knowledge or belief to gain a subsequent settlement
That she hath a Child named
Thomas Fudge< no role >
aged About
Six Years and Six months the lawful issue of this
Deponent by her Said late husband to whom She was
lawfully married And also anothr Child named
Margaret< no role >
(which has not as yet been baptized) aged about three
Years and one month which last mentioned Child was
born of this Deponents body in
King Street
in the
Said Parish of St George
and is a Bastard by reason
that She this Deponent was never married to the Said
Childs Father whose name was
Edward Swift< no role >
Sworn this 14. day of
Febry 1786
R Davies Tho: J: Cotton< no role >
The Mark of
Elizabeth [mark] Fudge< no role >