Middlesex ss}
William Woodbridge< no role >
maketh oath that he
was heretofore duly bound Apprentice by Indre to
John Boadman< no role >
of the
Tooley Street
in the Parish of St Olave in Southwark
in the County of Surry
& Served the Whole of his
Apprenticeship with him there & this Deponent afterwards
to Wit in or about the year 1763 lived in & rented a house in the Same
Parish & during Such his residence therein he was Charged
to & paid Poors rates for the Same That he has not Since rented a
house of Ten Pounds a year or upwards or Served any
Parish Office or paid any Poors rates or Kings Taxes or done
any Act to gain a subsequent Settlement That he hath
three Children namely
Thomas Woodbridge< no role >
aged about
Sixteen Years
Ann Woodbridge< no role >
aged about twelve years
Elizabeth Woodbridge< no role >
aged about Nine Years the lawful
issue & this Depont by his late wife
Elizabeth Woodbridge< no role >
deced the two first of which Children have gained Settlemts
for themselves That this Deponent hath another Child named
Mary Ann< no role >
aged about twenty Months which was born of
the body of
Mary Hoskins< no role >
New Street
in Old Street
in the
Parish of St Luke
in Middx
& baptized in the Church belonging
to St Lenoard Shoreditch
Which Child is illegitimate and a
Bastard by reason that he this Deponent was never married
to the Mother of the Said Child
Sworn this 11. day of
Janry 1786
Robr: Smith< no role >
Willm: Woodbridge< no role >