£ s d
May 18th.
Paid Mr. Brecknock ½ a years Consol. Rate due Lady day last 9 15
Paid Mr. Adams as P Bill for Bricklayers Work to the Churchwall - 7
June 18th.
Paid Mr. Sabe
for a Water Sub for the use of the Church- 16
Sepr. 10th
Gave the poor people at the Almshouses on a Visitation- 7
Expendd. at the Shepherd & Shepdess for this Days Dinner2 13
Octr. 1st
Paid Mr. Hatcher's Bill for Smiths Work10 8
Paid for Digging a Grave 10 Feet Deep as appears by the Burial
Bill for the Month of July} - 7 [..]
Paid for Digging 3 Graves 10 Feet deep as appears by the
Burial Bill for the Month of February January} - 18 [..]
Decr. 14th
Paid Mr. Thore's Bill for upholsterers Work1 1
To the Accountants trouble in Collecting the Rent Roll2 10
£29 4
Other Disbursements by Mr. George Lambert< no role >
1770 May 25th
Paid Mr. Leach for Marking the Bounds on Perambulation Day- 8
Paid Mr. Alday for Rolls for the Children 9
Paid Mr. Banks for Wands for Perambulation Day- 14
Paid Mr. Morgan as P Bill for Turnery for the Pew Openers, and
Cheese for the Charity Children
2 15 [..]
June 1st
Paid Pew Openers for Flowers for the Church- 10
Paid Hensman & Wilcox for Attendance on Perambulation Day- 14
Paid Mr. Wilcox the Seaton a Qurs. Salary & Sundries1 10
July 7th
Paid Mr. Wilcox for Cleaning the Childrens Gatery- 2
Oct 8th
Paid Hancock for a Spade and Shovel for the Grave Diggers- 6
Paid Mr. Wilcox a Qurs. Salary & Bill1 10
Paid Mr. Vaughan for Cleaning the Childrens Gallery- 2
Decr. 31st
Paid the Pew Openers for Flowers for the Church- 10
Paid Mr. Wilcox a Qurs. Salary & Bill1 10
Paid Mrs. Vaughan for Cleaning the Childrens Gallery- 2
1771 Janry. 12th
Gave Mrs. Hensman for Christmans Box- 2
£11 8