Disbursements P Sundry's continued
To Expences at the Hoop Tavern summoning the Inhabitants of that Precinct in order
to Serve or Fine for Overseer or Church Warden} -..16..9
Expended at the Bell Tavern
receiving half a Years Rent of Mr. Reynolds and also
Mr Dumbs Gift of Mr. Beal} -..3..-
Expended at Do. receiving Mr. Toveys Fine-..6..10
Expended at the Pye Tovern
on Mr. Bentham consulting affairs relating to the Next Vestry -..2..3
Expended on Mr. Griffin at the Hoop Tavern
paying his Fine for Overseer and C-Warden -..1..-
Expended on Mr. Church-Warden Blake for Rent and Birding-.. 4..3
Expended on the Vestry at the Pye Tavern choosing Overseers and Church-Wardens2..- -
To the Bearers for carrying the Corps of a poor Woman that dyed in the Workhouse
To Thos. Groves receiving Mr Stuards Rent-..1..-
To Expences receiving St. John Fenners Gift-..1..-
To Expenses at the Hoop Tavern going with the Overseer and Beadle to make
a Distress on Mr. Valentine's Goods for the Poors Rate} -..3..11
To Mr Hunt Sexton P Bill-..12.. 6
To a Bill from Mrs. Burton for Sacrament Wine3..8..8
To a Bill from Mr. Fitzer Stationer for the Wards Use9..5..-
Expended at the receiving of Ten pounds on Thos. Groves< no role >
for the Use of the Pall-..2..-
Expended at receiving of Mr. Boughtons Gift-..2..3
Expended at receiving Mr. Pepyats Gift-..2..-
Expended Examining the Workhouse
Expended receiving Mr. Worster's Rent- -..6
To Mr. Barwell for Commemoration Money-..12..-
To Mr. Bentham half Years Interest due to Mrs Hall7..10..-
To Expences relating to Valentine the Jew-..4..4
Expended at the receiving Mr Lovell's Fine-..2..3
Expended at the receiving Mr Spencers Fine-..8..6
Expended with Mr Bentham upon the Jews Account the poors Book not being Signed
by the Overseers and Church-Wardens} -..6..1