St Botolph Aldgate Parish:
Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor Account Books

1689 - 1715

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLBAAC100000158

Image 158 of 47826th April 1694


£ s d

Brougt Over 336.05.02

Received the Guift of Mr. Startup Jackson
and his wife from Mr. Edmonds to buy
the Poore wales
06 00 00

Received Mr. Winspears Guift01 00 00
Received of Sr. John Fennord Guift03 10 00
Recd Sr. John Thrumballs< no role > Guift02 10 00
Recd by Sale of some old goods03 10 00
£352 15 2

Deduct Mr. Jacksons Guift given in Colesd
& Mr. Winspears Guift distributed
7 00 0
£345 15 2

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