Thursday 17th. Feb. 1736/ 7
Cont to Labor
BatesMargaret< no role >
By Sr.
Richard Brocas< no role >
being charged by the Oath
John Pilkington< no role >
of St. Andrew Holborn London
for being
found last night in Holborn
raising Riots & Mobbs at Mr Deputy
Nash's door and being a loose idle and a disorderly person and a
common Street Walker.
Cont to Labor
MasonCatherine< no role >
Cont to Labor
SmartwrightSusan< no role >
Cont to Labor &
WilsonMary< no role > This name instance is in set 376.
By Sr.
Richard Brocas< no role >
being charged by the Oath
Robert Bydder< no role >
one of the Beadles
of Saint
Andrew Holborn London
for being found last night
raising Riots and Mobbs about Mr. Deputy Nash's
door at Holborn Bridge
and being loose idle and
disorderly comon street Walkers.
WhitakerMary< no role >
By Sr.
Richard Brocas< no role >
being charged by the Oath
Thomas Casey< no role >
for pillferring out of some Sheep at Mr. Rookes door
in the Butcher row
near Aldgate
a parcell of Hatt off the Ridneys of
small Value and being a loose idle and a disorderly person.
EdmundsNathl< no role >
To be
paid for carrying Rubbish from
of [..] building at Bethlem}
Upon reading a Report under the hands of Mr.
Robert Bishop< no role >
and Mr.
Cooper< no role >
two of the Governors of these Hospitals
dated the 19th day of January
lastThat in pursuance of an Order of Court of the 22d. of Decr. last Whereby
it was referred to them together with another person to be nominated by Mr.
Nathaniell Edmonds< no role >
to examine into the matter of his ComplaintThey had
met Mr. Edmonds and Mr. Martyr his freind at Bethlem Hospital and
the Building lately Erected at the West End of the said Hospital and after having
heard all the Allegations and examined
John Wood< no role >
James Grasham< no role >
relation to the Rubbish and Bedsteads are of opinion that Eighty pounds
should be paid to the said Mr. Edmonds in full of his demands for digging
and carrying away the Rubbish, and also Four pounds for the difference on
Account of the Beddeadsall which is submitted to the Judgment of the
CourtThis Court doth confirm the said Report and order that the said
several Sums of Eighty pounds and Four Pounds be paid to the said Mr.
Edmonds accordingly.
Beadles Gra ½ year to Xmas}
Upon reading the humble Petition of the four Beadles and Portersman of
this Hospital for their usual Gratuitys of Forty Shillings a peice in respect
of the half year ending at Christmas last for that their Sallaries are but small It
is Ordered that the Clerk of these Hospitals to give and pay unto them Forty
Shillings a peice to be allowed him in his next Account.
Basketmen Geo ½ year to
Upon reading the humble Petition of the three Beadles or Baskettmen of the
Hospital of Bethlem for their usual Gratuitys of Twenty Shillings a peice in
respect of the half year ending at Christmas last for that their Sallarys are
but small It is Ordered that the Clerk of these Hospitals to give and
pay unto them Twenty Shillings a peice to be allowed him in his next Accot.
Indre dat 3d March 1736/7
At this Court
George Haycroft< no role >
a poor boy was Ordered to be put out
to Mr West at the Nomination of Mr. President