Bridewell Royal Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

26th December 1722 - 15th December 1737

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Currently Held: Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives

LL ref: BBBRMG202050417

Image 417 of 4916th May 1736

Thursday 6th. May 1736

That the said Tenement is and old Timber Building and the Pilesar fence
against the River are so much decayed that the Petr. proposes to lay out in the repair
thereof £100. & upwardsand proposes to take a Lease thereof for 21 years to comence
from Michas next at the old Rent of £5. p Ann payable Quarterly and to pay a
Fine of £100. and to repair the premies at his own chargeAnd praying a
Lease according to his said ProposalsIt is Ordered that it be referred to
the Comittee of this House to consider of the said Petiton and to report this
Opinion therein to the Court.

resson & alPetn
for a Lease of 19 Houses
in Bride referr'd}

Upon reading the humble Petition of William Mason< no role > and Robert Thompson< no role >
settingforthThat they are willing to take of the Govrs. of this Hospital Nineteen
Old Messuages or Tenements in Water street Tudor street and King Edwards Street
in Bridewell Precinct and the Ground Whereon the same are built, being part of the
possessions of this Hospitaland proposes to pull down the said Old Houses
and to rebuild thereon as many Houses as shall be convenient according to the 2d. rate
of Building in London, and the Brick Work of the Cellars front and Back front two
Bricks, party Walls 1½ Brick and from thence front and Back front 1½ Brick thick
and party Wall 1 Brick and the Scantlings of Timber, the Girders to the first
and second floor 10 Inches by 7, the Joyce to the same 7 Inches by 2½ the Girdlers
of the 3d. and 4th. floor 10 Inches by 6. and the Joyce 6 Inches by 2. the Lintalls
6 Inches by 4½, in sash frames 4 Inches by 4, Rafters 4 Inches by 2, with a
Curb Roofand to take three Leases thereof for 61 years from Midsummer
next, at the Rent of a Pepper Corn for the two first years of the said Term and the
Rent of £35. a year for the residue of the said Term payable Quarterly clear of
all Taxes and with such Covenants as are usually contained in the Leases from
the said Governors to their Tenants and to pay a Fine of £100 and to execute
Counterparts of the said LeasesThat they likewise propose to take of the said
Govrs 8 Messuages or Tenements, two whereof are in Tudor street at the Corner
to Fleetditch and four of them in Waterstreet, (three in front at the upperend of
the Street and one backwards) and two at the lower end of Water Streetand
to take a Lease thereof for 21 or 31 years from Midsumer next and the Rent of a
Pepper Corn for the first year and the yearly Rent of £24. for the the residue of the
Term and to pay a Fine of £30, and repair the premisses at their own expence & to
execute a Counterpart of the said LeaseAnd Praying such Leases according to
their said proposallsIt is Ordered that it be referred to the Committee of this
House to consider of the said Petition and to report their Opinion there in to the Court.

BaylyEliz< no role > Petn
for releifreferr'd

Upon reading the humble Petition of Elizabeth Bayly< no role > widow and relief of Thomas
< no role > formerly Steward of this Hospital settingforthThat her said late
Husband was for several years to the time of his death which hapned in Decr. 1716 Steward
of the said Hospital and during that time, through diverse Accidents and Misfortunes
became indebted to the Govrs. in the Sum of £349. of thereabouts, & being unable to
pay the same, the Petr. who was seized in fee as Daughter and heir at Law
to Henry Tong< no role > late Citizen and Surgeon of London deceased of a Freehold Estate
at Isleworth in the County of Middlesex and Eaton Hastings in the County of Berk's
did sell the same to discharge the Debt due to the Govrs.That the Petrs. said
husband at his death left her and three Children unprovided for, who have been
from time to time supported by the Charitable Assistance of her friends, most of
which are now dead, and she is now near Seventy years of Age and reduced to
very great extremitys and one of her Children continually labouring under a
Paraletick Distemper, and not able to support herself, another of them is dead and
the third at Carolina from whom she had never reced any reliefAnd
praying the Govrs. would take her deplorable Case into Consideration and to allow her
such Assistance and relief as to them should seem meetIt is Ordered that is
be referred to the Committee of this House to consider of the said Petition and
report their Opinion to the Court.

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