Bridewell Royal Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

26th December 1722 - 15th December 1737

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Currently Held: Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives

LL ref: BBBRMG202050371

Image 371 of 49127th March 1735

Bethlem }

London SsAt a Court holden at the said Hospital of Bridewell on
Thursday the 27th. of March 1735 .

Humphry Parsons< no role > Esqr .AldermanPresident
Robert Alsop< no role > Esqr .Alderman Treasurer

Walter Price< no role > Esqr Samuel Child< no role > Esqr Mr. Depty. Hodges
Mr. Deputy BallardDr. Richard Rawlinson< no role > Mr. Henry Rogers< no role >
Mr. John Cook< no role > Mr. Wm. Russell< no role > John Lee< no role > Esqr .
Mr. Deputy ChildMr. Robert Hall< no role > Mr. Allen Webb< no role >
Mr. John Watts< no role > Francis Asty< no role > Esqr .Mr. Charles Cotton< no role >
Mr Wm. Woolball< no role > Mr. Deputy BrewisMr. Daniel Calcutt< no role >
Mr. Wm. Brent< no role > John Taylor< no role > Esqr Mr. Christopher Oliver< no role >
Mr. Deputy FarringtonMr. Langley Hill< no role > Mr. Depty. Snart
Mr. Wm. Cooper< no role > Mr. Philip Scarth< no role > Mr. Robert Hendow< no role >
Mr. James Phillips< no role >


SmithJohn< no role > By Sr . Richard Brocas< no role > being Charged by the Oath of
Thomas Hinson< no role > for Pillferring from the George Inn in Smithfield a Saddle of small
value and being a disorderly idle Person.

Pun & dd

JohnsonWilliam< no role > By Sr . Richard Brocas< no role > being Charged by the Oath of
Isaac Wassellart< no role > for attempting to pick his Pockett of two old Silk Handkerchiefs of
small Value and being a loose idle and a disorderly boy

Cont to Labor

Gostling Edward< no role > By Sr. Richard Brocas< no role > being Charged by the Oath of
Sarah Jennour< no role > his Mistress for frequently absenting himself from her service without her
Leave and being a loose idle and a disorderly Apprentice

Pun & dd

MedcalfeAbraham< no role > By Sr . Richard Brocas< no role > being Charged by the oath of
Joseph Blew< no role > for Pillferring from off the keys some Tobacco of small Value and being
a loose idle and a disorderly Person.


RuffordThomas< no role > By Sr. Richard Brocas< no role > being Charged by the Oath of
Paul Ince< no role > for Pillferring from ichard's Coffee house at Temple Barr > a Silver
Tea Spoon of small Value.


GodinJohn< no role > By Sr . Richard Brocas< no role > being Charged by the Oath of
Absolam Norton< no role > for Pillferring from George Graves< no role > a Price of Oak Timber of
Small Value as he hath Confessed.

Cont to Labor

LakerWilliam< no role > By Sr. Richard Brocas< no role > being Charged by the Oath of
Thomas Vernon< no role > for Receiving from William Jesse< no role > his Servant some money and
Imbezelling the same from him which he has Confessed & being a loose idle and
a disorderly person and having no visible Way of Living.

Pun & dd

ReynoldsGeorge< no role > By Sr. Richard Brocas< no role > being Charged by the Oath of
of Edward Hopcraft< no role > Constable for Pillferring from off the keys some sugar of
Small Value, and being a loose idle and a disorderly Boy.

No body appearing agt. him dd
without fees

PopeFrancis< no role > By Sr . Richard Brocas< no role > being Charged by the Oath of
Richard Wingfield< no role > for Pillferring from him some money of Small Value and being
a loose idle and a disorderly Person.


JohnsonAnn< no role > By Sr . Richard Brocas< no role > Old Prisoner

Pun & dd

NorthCatherine< no role > By Sr . Richard Brocas< no role > being Charged by the Oath of
Susannah Gibbs< no role > for Pillferring from out of her shop a Handkerchief and three
Cups of Small Value and being a disorderly Person.

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