Bridewell Royal Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

26th December 1722 - 15th December 1737

About this document type

Currently Held: Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives

LL ref: BBBRMG202050362

Image 362 of 4918th August 1734

Thursday 8th. August 1734 .

the next Court to be holden at Bridewell Hospital or in case they shod not
agree then to repay tax the moneyThat he had accordingly receivd of her
£1000 & given her a Note to that Effect and now desired the directions of the
Court thereinAnd this Court having considered the same Doth
Order That £5 P Cent P Ann from Midsummer last be allowed
to the said Mrs. Elizabeth Longford< no role > during her life for the said £1000. which
She has paid into the Treasurer handAnd after the same rate for each other
Sum's not less than £100 as she shall pay to the Treasurer out of the produce
of the Effects of the said Mr. Thomas Richardson< no role > .

LangfordEliz< no role > ye [..]
[..] by her Tobacco [..]

Ordered That the Money already paid unto the Trear s hands by Mrs
Elizabeth Longford< no role > & what she shall hereafter pay to him be rested in huth
[..] Annuitys in the names of the President & Trear

[..] order for a
[..] }

Ordered that it be inserted in the Fickets of the next Court and for
the Ch [..] of an Artsmaster in the room of Gabriel Bestman< no role > deced .

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