Thursday 18th. Octr. 1733
Indre dat 8th. Janry. 1733/4
At this Court
James James< no role >
a Poor Boy at the nomination of Capt.
Benjamin Hodges< no role >
was ordered to be put as Apprentice
Allen Page< no role >
Apprentices made free
At this Court the persons hereunder named were Ordered to be made
of this City having servd part of their Apprenticeship
Daniel Nipp< no role >
& the
remainder to
John Ittery< no role >
DearySamuel< no role >
MarshallJoseph< no role >
By Indres dated 31 March 1726
MeeJohn< no role >
Petr. for Locks Gift
John Mee< no role >
who servd his Apprenticeship
Benjamin Thatcher< no role >
one of the Artsmasters
of this Hospital Petitiond this Court for some part of Mr. Locks Gift But the Court
being informed that he is in the black Book for running away from his said Masters
service at several timesIt is Ordered that the said Petition be rejected.
EdmundsNathl< no role >
his agreemt for ye New Building
to Incurables at
ye West
End of Bethlem Hospl. to be
setled by ye Comee}
Upon reading a Report from the Grand Comittee of Bethlem Hospital
bearing date ye 8th. day of August last under the hands of the Right Worshipfull
Alsop< no role >
. Aldn
. Treasurer
Benjamin Hodges< no role >
Mr. Thomas Hammond< no role >
Richard Rawlinson< no role >
& Mr. Wm. Brent< no role >
in the words and figures
following Vizt.In persuance of an Order of the Court holden at
Bridewell Hospital on Friday the 13th. day of July last several Advertizemts:
were published in the Daily post, Daily Advertizer and London Evening
post Papers That such persons as were willing to make proposals for building
Apartments at the West End of this Hospital for the harbouring incurable
Lunatick Patients to be answerable to the Building already Erected at the East
End of the said Hospital were desired to leave the same in writing sealed up
with the Steward of the said Hospital on or before Wednesday the 8th. day of August
then next on which day at 3 of the clock in the Afternoon the Comittee of
Governor's wou'd meet at the said Hospital to consider of such proposals
as shou'd have been left with their StewardAnd this Comittee being
mett accordingly The Steward laid before them the following proposals which
had been left with him sealed up Vizt. of John Brooks< no role >
and Company, John
Cordwell< no role >
and Company Nathaniel Edmonds< no role >
, Andrew Jelfe< no role >
and John
Townsend< no role >
And a Motion being made and the question put That no
more proposals be received untill this Comittee shall have reported their
opinion to the Court on the said proposals new before them the same was
agreed untoAnd then the said proposals being opend and read in
Alphabetical Order they appeared to be as follows Vizt.
Mr. John Brooks< no role >
and John Roberts< no role >
to do the said Work and if no Vaults to a bate £300.}
4600 - -
Mr Cordwell, Horsmall and Smith
& if no [..] in the foundations to abate 200
& if fire instead of Oak in the Roof to a bate 140}
4500 - -
Nath. Edmonds< no role >
3991 - -
Andrew Jelfe< no role >
4300 - -
John Townsend< no role >
and Thomas Duan< no role >
The Comittee are of Opinion to accept the proposal of the said Nathaniel Edmonds< no role >
which is nevertheless submitted to the Judgment of the Court And it is order'd
that this Opinion be reported to the next Court.
The said Mr Edmonds was called in and asked whether he wou'd not abate
the odd £41. which he agreed to do and to take £3950. in full for the said
New building and being asked in what manner he desired to be paid, he said
he referred that Matter intirely to the Governors and was willing to take his
money in three or four payments Whereupon it is referred to the Grand
Comittee of Bethlem Hospital to setle the Agreement with the said Mr. Edmonds
as they shall think proper and the Court doth desire the said Comittee to appoint
such person as they shall approve to survey and see that the Work be done in
a substantial and Workman like manner.