Thursday 5th. April 1733
WyndhamMrs. Cath< no role >
to have a Gratuity of £35}
Upon reading a Report from the Comittee of this Hospital dated the 28th. of January 1732
under the hands of the Right Worshipfull
Robert Alsop< no role >
. Alderman
& Treasurer
Valentine Brewis< no role >
William Cooper< no role >
Robert Hall< no role >
& Mr.
Robert Pycroft< no role >
the words following Vizt.In Pursuance of an Order of Court of the 1st. of December last
This Comittee have taken into Consideration the Petition of Mrs.
Catherine Wyndham< no role >
setting forth
That she has been Matron
of this Hospital above 18 years during which time she has kept
Sometimes one and often two Servants to assist her in doing her business as MatronThat he
Salary is small and not Sufficient to maintain her and one Servant and the Petitioner
growing old & infirm has not for several Years last past been Capable of following other
business as she used to be when she first came into the Hospital whereby she is reduced in her
CircumstancesThat tho there are as many or more Women Prisoners committed to the
Prison of the Hospital than heretofore yet they are of the meaner sort and there is seldon
in three that are able to pay the Fees for their discharge whereby the Petitioners Perquisites
are sunk& praying that the Governors will be pleased to allen her such a Gratuity as
they shall think fit& this Comittee finding that Gratuitys have been given in like Cases
are of Opinion to give the Petitioner thirty five pounds towards her support All which
nevertheless is Submitted to the Judgement of the Court And it is ordered that this Opinion be
reported to the next CourtThis Court doth confirm the said Report and order that the
Clark of these Hospitals do give & pay unto the said Mrs. Wyndham Thirty five pounds to be
allowed him in his next Account.
Beadles Gra½ to Xmas 1732
Upon reading the humble Petition of the four Beadles & Portersman of this Hospital for
their usual Gratuitys of forty Shillings a peice in respect of the half year ending at Christmas
lest for that their Salarys are but small It is Ordered that the Clerk of then Hospitals do
give and pay unto them Forty Shillings a peice to be allowd him in his next Account.
Christmas Gra ½ Yr. to Xmas 1732
Upon reading the humble Petition of the three Beadles or Basketman of the Hospital
of Bethlem for their usual Gratuitys of Twenty Shillings a peice in respect of the half year
ending at Christmas last for that their Salarys are but small It is Ordered that the Clerk of
these Hospitals do give & pay unto them twenty Shillings peice to be allowd in his Westmr.
Stewards for Election Feast 1733
At this Court the Governors hereafter named Vizt.
Mr. Henry Bowaler< no role >
. Richard Bolton< no role >
Mr. Deputy Ayliffe
Mr. Thos. Richardson< no role >
Mr. Henry Sisson< no role >
Thomas Jackson< no role >
Mr. Wm. Brent< no role >
The Duke of BeaufortFrancis Askey< no role > This name instance is in a workspace.
Mr. John Willis< no role >
Samuel Ongley< no role >
.Dr. Houseman
were chosen Stewards
for the next election day of these Hospitals who are desired to provide a
Dinner as their been Venne for the President
Treasurer & Governors to dine together according
to antient Custom and in call any of the Stewards elected decline or refuse the same the Clerk is
to supply the number in course.
Artsmarrefusing to take an
Appr directed by ye Cort to be
Ordered that if any Arts master shall refuse to take an Apprentice directed by the Court
to be put to him such Arts master shall be expelled the House.
Artsmar. refusing an Appr directed
by ye Comeeto be reported to ye Court}
Ordered that if any Arts master shall refuse to take an Apprentice directed by the
Comittee that the Comittee do report their opinion thereon to this Court.
to give no list of persons
nominated for ye Govrs. but to ye.
Ordered that the Clark do not give any Lists of the names of persons nominated to be
Governors of these Hospitals for the future except to the Gentlemen who shall be upon the
Comee of this Hospl. untill such Governors so to be nominated be confirmd by the Court.