Friday 23d. June 1732
Cout to Labor
SmithMary< no role >
P Sr
Ricahrd Brocas< no role >
being chargd by the Oath of
Aaron Wilson< no role >
a Watchman
of St. Brides
for insulting him on his duty and being a loose
idle and disorderly Pson
Cout to Labor
ThongerAnne< no role >
P Sr
Richard Brocas< no role >
(along with
Henry Barrett< no role >
who was dischrgd before the Court) being charged by the Oarths of
Philip Price< no role >
Thomas Simpson< no role >
of St. Sepulchres
for being taken together in White
Horse Alley
at two of the Clock this morning making a disturbance there and
being loose idle and disorderly Psons.
Without fees dd
JonesElioner< no role >
P Sr
Richard Brocas< no role >
being chargd by the Oaths of
William Bennett< no role >
John Morey< no role >
& Warders
of St. Botolph without Aldersgate
for being a loose idle and disorderly Pson and wandering up and down in their parish
and giving no account of herself.
BentlyElizabeth< no role >
. P Sr
Richard Brocas< no role >
being chargd by the Oath of
Henry Smith< no role >
for pilfering from him a Handkercheif of small value being a loose
idle and a disorderly person.
Without fees dd
GriffinSarah< no role >
without fees dd
HopkinsElizabeth< no role >
P Sr
Richard Brocas< no role >
being chargd by the Oath of
Elizabeth Hathway< no role >
for pilfering from out of Newgate
some Cabbages of small value the property of
Missister< no role >
and being loose idle and disorderly Psons.
Cout to Labor
CookElizabeth< no role >
Cout to LaborSkilbeckMary< no role >
Francis Child< no role >
. Lord Mayor
being chargd by the Oath
John Pheymert< no role >
one of the Marshall of this City
being lewd loose idle & disorderly Psons taken in a disorderly
House last night in Crown Court
in Chancery Lane
& the other taken in the Streets in
Company with a strange Man.
Cout to Labor
BatesAnn< no role >
. P Sr
Richard Brocas< no role >
being chargd by the several
Oaths of
Edward Dinsdale< no role >
James Hill< no role >
two Watchmen
of St. Dunstans in the West
for assaulting & beating them and being a loose idle and disorderly Pson.
Cout to Labor
CouzensElizabeth< no role >
. P Sr
Richard Broces< no role >
being chargd by the Oath of
Richard Hall< no role >
for being taken by him with two of his Servant Men in his Hay loft
at past 12 o Clock last night & being a loose idle and disorderly Pson
ChesshireJane< no role >
. P Sr
Richard Brocas< no role >
being chargd by the Oath of
Thomas West< no role >
for frequently insulting abuseing & rioting him and being a loose idle
and a disorderly Pson.