Bridewell Royal Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

6th January 1689 - 8th August 1695

About this document type

Currently Held: Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives

LL ref: BBBRMG202010498

Image 498 of 5008th August 1695

London }

Att a Court holden att the Hospll of
Bridewell on Thursday 8th: August 1695

Sr Robt: Geffery< no role > Knt : & Alderman Presidt .

The Earle of Berkley
Sr Matthr Andrews< no role >
Sr Robt Adams< no role >
Mr White
Mr Pierce
Mr Dept. Brerewood
Mr Dept. Fazakerlye
Mr Hartley
Mr Ryon
Mr Barnard
Mr Williams
Mr Heames
Mr Bealing
Mr Butterfield
Mr Tuckfield
Mr Depty: Gwin
mr Fitzer
Mr Brown
Mr Dept. Coles
Mr Wilkinson
Capt: Phillips
Mr John: Woolfe< no role >
Mr Jos: Woolfe< no role >
Mr Drigne
Mr Dept: Moor
Cott Witlett
Mr Smith
Jon: Fully< no role > Esqr
Mr John Bland< no role >
Mr Peacock
Levt: Coll: Jenew

Mr Trear
Sr Gab Roberts< no role >
Sr Tho Kinsey< no role >
Sr Jonath Raymond< no role >
Sr Tho: Vernon< no role >
Sr James Butler< no role >
Sr Bisp of London
Dr: Lawson
Mr Dept: Gardiner
Andrew Willow< no role > Esqr
Mr Parthurst
Mr Wareing
Mr England
Mr Broomfield
Mr East
Mr Soames
Mr Anbry
Mr Glover
Mr Cross
Mr Cockerill
Mr Pardoe
Mr Samll: Sheppard< no role >
[..] John Elanghter< no role >
Mayr: Hodges
Mr. Start
Mr. Kenrick
Mr Winchurst
Mr Hallett
Mr Barnes
Mr Lambert
James Mundey< no role > Esqr
Mr Alderman Harton
Mr Essington

This Court being cheifly called & appoynted for the Eleccon
of a President, Treat, Auditors, & committees & for the confirmacon
of the Governrs. & Officers of the said Hosplls. & this Court
proceeding accordingly to Eleccon.

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