Anne Page< no role >
P Warrt: of Lord Major charged by Donton
Bridges to be an Idle Pson taken in a house of ill
Cicily Ridgedell< no role >
P Warrt: of Salath Lovell< no role >
charged by
John Matthews< no role >
son & Servt
. of Edmund Matthews< no role >
Enticeing the said John form his Fathers service & to
spend money upon them wch: he unlawfully tooke
from his said Father & enterteyning the said John in
their house Frequently in drinking in a disorderly
Anne Gill< no role >
P Warrt: of Sr
. Edwd Clarke< no role >
charged on Oath to be a Lewd
& viciouse Pson taken by Ja: Cooper< no role > This name instance is in set 2944.
Ja: Jenkins< no role > This name instance is in set 2762.
Etc last night in a reputed Bawdy house in the very
Art of Adultery wth: her Coates up in an unexpressible
unseemly posture
Mary Stafford< no role >
P Warrt: of Sr
. Edward Clarke< no role >
charged on Oath
for being a Lewd Idle & debauched Pson that can
give noe good account of herselfe
Mary Carr< no role > This name instance is in set 2838.
P Warrt: of Sr
: Tho: Stamp< no role >
being an Idle disorderly
Pson a Comon night walker & disturber of the
Neighbourhood & was taken last night by the Watm
cryeing out Murther she haveing assaulted beaten
& bitten Mary Lawson< no role >
And is alsoe convicted by the
said Lawson on Oath for the Swearing of Three
Severall Oaths And alsoe by Lawrence Walker< no role >
on Oath for swearing 2 more Oath being togeather
Fire oaths in the Parish of St: Buttolph Bishopsgate
London this being the Second Assence shee the said
Carr confessing she was on Wednesday last before
the Lord Major convicted of Swearing Six Severall
Oaths & paid Six Shillings for the same & refuses to
pay the same & for want of distresse to be publickly
sett in the Stocks.
To Labr.