Bridewell Royal Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

6th January 1689 - 8th August 1695

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Currently Held: Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives

LL ref: BBBRMG202010483

Image 483 of 5007th June 1695

London }

Att a Court holden at the Hospll of Bridewell on Fryday
the 7th: June 1695 :

Sr Robt: Geffery< no role > Knt : & Alderman President

Mr Trear
Mr Heames
Mr White
Mr Attwood
Mr Depty: Coles
Mr Hartley
Mr Turvin
Alderman Hartopp
Mr Verney

Sr. Gabriell Roberts< no role >
Mr Shuter
Mr Bigley Wilson
Capt: Blackman
Mr Wilmott
Mr Smith
Mr Wareing
Mr Lugg

John Joseph< no role > P Warrt: of Mr Chamberlaine he being the Apprentice
of Tho: Bracee< no role > being very rebelhouse & of ill behaviour towards
his said Mr. resisting his Mars: lawfull correccon spoyling his goods &
refusing to submitt himselfe to his said Mar.
To his Mr: agen

John Mormy< no role > P Warrt: of Mr Chamberlaine being the Apprentice of Mary
< no role > & of ill behaviour towards his said Mr: breaking the Sabath
& haveing of ten absented himselfe from her service
dd to his Mrs.

John Roberts< no role > P Warrt. of Lord Major charged for comeing into the Shop
of John Harris< no role > & endeavouring to steale a pair of Gloves & a Came

John Cockram< no role > P Warrt. of Lord Major charged to have Feloniously Stolen
from John Daniell< no role > Three pair of Stockings value Six Shillings

Rebecca Gardiner< no role > P Warrt: of Sr . Edward Clark< no role > charged by Boden Rowse
for a Lewd & disorderly Pson a Comon night Walker & she not
being able to give any good account of herselfe

Mary Davis< no role > This name instance is in set 2081. P Warrt: of Lord Major charged for a lewd Idle Pson giving
noe good account of herselfe & for want of suretyes
To Labr.

Jane Knight< no role > P Warrt: of Sr Edward Clarke< no role > charged by Thomas
< no role > Court for a Comon Whore & for picking up a Pson
to her unknown wth. whome she hath acknowledged the she
hath comitted a very lasciviouse & beastly accon

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