Comittee concerning
[..] Jones in Tower street
[..] portion firmed
Upon reading to this Court a Report of the
Comittee for the management of the houses and
Estate late the Gift of Mr. Fowke to these Hosptls That
for the reasons in the said Report menconed and upon
treaty wth: Mr Blandford and Mr.
Stephen Mazick< no role >
the said Comittee are of opinion to lett Mr Blandford
a Lease of the house he now lives in for 5:7: or 11 years
(att his Eleccon) from Midsomer next for Twenty six pounds
a yeare And alsoe to lett a Lease to the said Mr Mazick of ye house
late in the occupacon of Mr Amgier for 5 Yeares from Midsomr next
att Six & Twenty pounds a yeare wth: & under such Covents: & for
such repaires to be done as in the said Report is menconed touching
[..] the said houses And that itt is alsoe ye opinion of ye sd Comittee
That the said Hosplls: doe Insure those houses att the Insurance Office
called Barbus Insurance for as Many yeares as they usually
Insure for This Court upon consideracon of the said Report doe
think fit to Confirme the same And the same is hereby
confirmed and ordered accordingly Saving as to the
new layeing the Back Yards with Lead for securing the
Vaults under the same wch: is referred back to the same Comittee
And itt is Ordered That Mr Turvin (one of the Governors of these Hosplls). be added
thereto touching the same
Barbarah Collier< no role >
att 2s.6d
Alsoe upon the severall humble Peticons of
James Moreton< no role >
Elizth. Digby< no role >
for some mittigacon of the Weekely paymt. of Five
shillings for the keeping of
Barbara Collier< no role >
Daniell Digby< no role >
poor Lunaticks
in the Hospll. of Bethlem who have nothing of their
own but are there maintained and provided for by the Charitables
benevolence of their Freinds and relacons who are not able
any longer to bear the said charge Itt is Ordered by the Court
that Security being given to pay Two Shillings Six pence a
Weeke for each of them the said
Barbara Collier< no role >
Digby< no role >
for there keeping there for the future That then the same
shall be accepted and the severall Bonds for payment of Five
Shillings a Weeke a piece be delivered up to be Cancelled.