Edward Stone< no role >
to be
Inquired of
Alsoe Upon the humble Peticon of
Edward Stone< no role >
who was brought upon Apprentice
Elsley< no role >
(one of the Artsmasters
of the Hospll. of Bridewell
has since beene made a Freeman of this Citty by the approbacon
of this Court And who is sett up for himselfe in his said Trade
(as he alleadgeth att
Thomas Birds< no role >
in Egle streete
in Red Lyon
for some part of Mr. Locks Gift the better to enable him
to carry on & mannage his said Trade Itt is ordered by this
Court That Capt: Phillipps & Mr. Bolsworth Two of the Governrs. of
there Hosplls doe make Inquiry of the said
Edward Stone< no role >
he be soe sett up in his said Trade & of his hopefullness therein
& to make report thereof to the next Court
Wm: Jerman< no role >
to be
Inquired of
Alsoe Upon the humble Peticon fo
Will Jerman< no role >
who was brought upon Apprentice
Wm: Brown< no role >
(one of the Artsmasters
of the Hospll. of Bridewell
& who has time
beene made a Freeman of this Citty by the approbacon of this
Court And who is sett up for himselfe (as he alleadgeth)
over against the Blew Ball in White Rowe
near Brick Lane
in Spittle fields
for some part of Mr: Locks Gift the better to enable him to carry
on his said Trade Itt is ordered by this Court That
Andrew Willow< no role >
John Drigne< no role >
Two of the Governrs
: of these Hosplls be desired
to Inquire of the said William Jerman whether he be soe sett
up in his said Trade and of his hopefullnesse therein and to make
report thereof to the next Court.
Chappell Wardens
Alsoe att this Court
Hugh Broom< no role >
John Brown< no role >
were elected
Chapple Wardens
for the Hospll & Precint of Bridewell
for the
yeare ensueing
Tho Coates Exempted
from having any Pt
of Mr. Locks Gift
Alsoe complaint being made to this Court against
Coates< no role >
the Apprentice
Francis Brown< no role >
one of the Artsmasters
of Bridewell
Hospll for receiving Four pair of Shoes from the
Apprentice of one Petts a Shoemaker
wch: were stolen & thereby
abetting the said Apprentice in such his such evill practice This
Court in Just detentacon of the said Offence & for punishment
thereof & as a warning to other Apprentices of the Hospll:
Doe Order That the said
Thomas Coates< no role >
be for ever incapable
of receiving or having any part of Mr Locks Gift.