Roger Gething< no role >
Also upon reading the Certificate of Mr.
John Sharpe< no role >
and Mr.
Richd. Aubry< no role >
(two of the Governrs
. of these
Hosplls.) That upon Inquiry they doe find That
Gething< no role >
who was brought up apprentice
Benj: Harrison< no role >
(one of the Artsmars
. of
this Hospll and who was Since made a Freeman of this
Citty by the Approbacon on this Court) is Sett up for
himselfe in his Said Trade atrd that he hath two
Looms at worke and has the Character of a good
Husband It is Ordered by this Court That Mr.
Trear Baker doe give and pay unto him Tenne
pounds out of the profitts of Mr. Locks Gift the
better to enable him to manage his Said Trade
to be allowed Mr. Trear in his next Account.
Laurence Lord< no role >
Also upon reading the Certificate of Mr.
Herriot< no role >
and Mr.
James Smith< no role >
(two of the Governrs
of these Hosplls.) That upon Inquiry they doe find
Lawrence Lord< no role >
(who was brought up Apprce
John Long< no role >
(one of the Artsmars
. of this
this Hospll:) and who was Since made a Freeman of
this Citty by the Approbacon of this Court) is Sett
up for himselfe in his Said Trade And that he hath
a good Repute and is a fitt object for Mrs. Locks
Charity It is Ordered by this Court That Mr. Trear
Baker doe give and pay unto him Tenne pounds
out of the porfitts of Mr. Locks gift the better
to enable him to manage his Said Trade to be
allowed Mr. Trear in his next Account.
Isaac Pigott< no role >
Also upon reading the Certificate of Mr
Willow< no role >
and Mr.
John Drigue< no role >
(Two of the Governrs
. of
the Sd Hosplls:) That upon Inquiry they doe find That
Isaac Pigott< no role >
(who was brought up Apprentice
Benjamin Harrison< no role >
(one of the Artsmars
of this Hospll.) and who was Since made a Freeman
of this Citty by the Approbacon of this Court) is Sett
up for himself in his Said Trade and That he