Bridewell Royal Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

6th January 1689 - 8th August 1695

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Currently Held: Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives

LL ref: BBBRMG202010467

Image 467 of 50015th March 1695

New Governors

At This Court Mr. James Ferne< no role > Citizen and
Salter of London Mr
Majr. Wm. Richardson< no role > Citizen and Haberdasher
Mr. Philip Scarfe< no role > Citizen and Grocer

Mr. Thomas Bromfield< no role > &
Mr. Thomas Jones< no role >
Citizens and Apothecaries

Mr. Tho: Starke< no role > Mercht . and Citiz: and Haberdasher and
Mr.Wm. Saml. Cornock< no role > Citizen & Clothworker of London were
admitted Governrs. of these Hosplls.

New Governrs.

Mr. Thomas Pistor< no role > joyner by Mr. Slaughter
Mr. Bigley Wilson Merchant by Mr. Lambert and
Mr. Thomas Lee< no role > Citizen & Mercer of London by Edward
< no role > Esqr .

Esqr Bettisons gift

Also at this Court the said Edward Bettison< no role > Esqr .
prsented forty pounds as his Free Gift to these Hosplls.
Vizt. Twenty pounds to be Said out for the use of the
Wardrobe for the poor Lunaticks of Bethlem Hospll.
and Twenty pounds for the use of the Hospll. of Bridewell
and the poor therein harboured

And It isby this CourtOrdered by this Court by and
with the unanimous consent of the Governrs. here prsent
That the Thanks of this Court be given to the said Mr.
Bettison for his Charity to these Hosplls. wch. was done

Normans Security
aproved of

Also upon the Report of Lient. Coll Sharpe and
Mr. Aubry to whom It was last Court referred to make
Inquiry of the persons proposed by Wm. Norman< no role > to be
his Security for his Artsmasrs. Place in Bridewell Hospll:
that the said Persons are Sufficient for that purpose
The Said Security is approved of by this Court

Mr. Lash Lease in
his owne name

Also upon the humble Peticon of Samll: Lash< no role > of
Wapping Blockmaker that he has purchased the Interest
of Mr. Elwick in four houses and ground at Wapping
late of Gregory Page< no role > Esqr . praying therefore that the Lease
lately Ordered by this Court to be made to the said Mr. Elwick
be made in the name of the said Petitr. The same is
Ordered accordingly.

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