Bridewell Royal Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

6th January 1689 - 8th August 1695

About this document type

Currently Held: Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives

LL ref: BBBRMG202010461

Image 461 of 5001st March 1695

Mary Harris< no role > P Warrt: of Sr Thomas Stamp< no role > being on Idle
disorderly person and taken last night in the Celler of Mary
< no role > Widdow

Jane Haley< no role > P Warrt: Sr : Edward Clarke< no role > charged on Oath of
Miriam Brett< no role > for stealing a pair of Sheetes value Tenn
Shillings which he hath confessed

Katherine Holleman< no role > P Warrt: of Sr Robt: Jefferye< no role > charged by
Jane Mugglestone< no role > for recomending one Katherine Sugaer< no role >
to Lodge with her that Robbed her of Goods and money to the
Value of Sixteene pounds and suspected to be confederate with
the said Katherine Sugaer in the said Robbery
To labor

Sarah Smith< no role > an old Prisoner

Magdalen Bell< no role > P Warrt: of Lord Mayor charged by William
< no role > against Creechurch< no role > Poulterer for pilfering from him
one Fowle
To labr

Kath: Close< no role >
Mary Wilson< no role > }
P Warrt: Mr: Recorder comt: for night Walkers
they haveing given Bale for their appearance
att the next Court day

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