A Court holden at the Hospll: of Bridewell
on Fryday
the 8th: of Februry. 1694/5
Sr: Robt: Gefferye< no role >
: & Aldrman
Mr: Trear
Wm: Underhill< no role >
Mr Heaines
Mr Tuckfield
Mr Attwood
Mr Pardoe
Mr: Aubry
Mr Hartley
Mr Peacock
Mr: Turvin
Mr Slaughter
Mr Smith Grocer
Mr Browne
Mr Depty: Moore
Mr Ja Smith< no role >
Mr Drigur
. Gabll. Roberts< no role >
Mr Willow
Mr Lugg
Mr. Verney
Coll: Willett
Coll. Cuthbert
Mr Godding
Majr. Woodroffe
Mr ajr: Essington
Mr. Butterfield
Mr White
Mr Wareing
Scanderbey (a Black P Warrt: of Sr: Gefferey charged
by William Bowme< no role >
: for taking Severall things in his name
at Severall placess and for diserting his Service he being his Servant
pun & to Labr: till his Master Send him to
Sea at his Masters Charge
Samll. York< no role >
Wm: Howell< no role >
John Curull< no role >
P Warrt: of Sr
: Edward Clarke< no role >
Charged by Tho:
Cheney< no role >
of Gutter lane
Silver Smith
on Suspicon of
being Comon Pilferers they being Thre Idle boyes that
can give noe good Account of themselves but loyter abt.
the Streetes one of them attempting to Steal a Silver Salt
from the Said Mr: Cheney
Henry Mannell< no role >
P Warrt: of Lord Major Charged by Henry Posney< no role >
his Master
to have imbezilled from him divers Goods
dd to his Master