Bridewell Royal Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

6th January 1689 - 8th August 1695

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Currently Held: Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives

LL ref: BBBRMG202010446

Image 446 of 50019th December 1694

Walter Powell< no role >
admitted Artsmr
of this Hospll

Upon Reading to this Court a Report of the Comittee
of Bridewell Hospitall (to whom It was Referred to
Recommend a fitting person (being a Shoremaker ) to be
an Artsmaster of the Hospital of Bridewell in the
room and place of Francis Overs< no role > who has left the Same
Hospitall) That having considered the Severall humble
peticons of Walter Powell< no role > and Job Saunders< no role > Shoemakers who
were both brought up Apprentices in the said Hospitall wth
Robert Frost< no role > late an Artsmaster thereof They Do Recommended
the said Walter Powell< no role > to the place aforesaid This
Court Doth there upon think fitt and soe Order That the
said Walter Powell< no role > be admitted an Artsmaster of the
said Hospitall and hold and enjoy the Rooms & dwelling
late in the holding of the said Francis Overs during the
pleasure of this Court on such Security and under such
Covenants and Agreements as are usuall in such cases
And that he have the two Apprentices now with the said
Francis Overs And that on his quitting the said Dwelling
and delivering up the said Apprentices That then he be
discharged and the Security for his Artsmastrs place delivered up

Surgeon of Bethlems
Sallary Increased

Also Upon the humble petition of Christopher Talman< no role >
Surgeon of the Hospitall of Bethlem for some addiocon to his
prsent Appointment (being Sixteene pounds & and for Surgerye
work and finding Medicines for the patients and twelve pence
a peice of blooding them) in respect of the grent number of
the patients of late yeares and now on the said Hospll
over and above what there were here to fore and in respect
of the great charge he has been at in providing good
medicines for the Patients who were left in a very ill
condicon at the late Surgeons death This Court on
consideracon of the prmrs doth Order That mr. Trear Baker
doe give and pay him Lenn Guineas as a free Gratuity of
this Court And due increase his Sallary to twentye pound
p and during the pleasure of this Court.

Mary Crisp< no role > to
Bethlem Matt 2s 6d
a Weeke

Also upon the Humble Peticon of Henry Crisp< no role > for some
mitigacon of ye weeklye paymt. of 5s for Mary Crisp< no role > his Sister
a poor Lunatick in the Hospitall of Bethlem she having nothing
of her own but maintained by the charity of Relations who are
noe longer able to bear ye same It is Ordered by this

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