James Shaw< no role >
P Warrant of Lord Mayor being Suspected
to be a Comon Cheat & for Cheating Peter Chelmandine< no role >
of 4s.
Mary Hawkins< no role >
P Warrant of Sr
. Wm. Turner< no role >
charged by
Eleanor Symme< no role >
for Stealing a piece of Calamanor
Stuft Val 27s out of the Shopp of one Tillett her
Mary Harding< no role >
P Warrt. of Sr
. Wm. Turner< no role >
Charged by
William King< no role >
for Stealing 2 pieces of Gold called
Kings evill Gold from two of his Childrens ner 8s.
To be kept to Labr
Charity Warrington
P Warrt. of Lord Mayor taken lately
in a Taverne refuseing to pay he reckoning and being
an idle woman
To Labr. till she pay the
Reckoning being 19d.
Mary Wakefield< no role >
P Warrt. of Sr. Wm. Turner< no role >
charged on Oath
by Eliz: Clarke< no role >
onofSuspicon of Stealing an Holland Shirt
pillow beer and some other things
Darcy Powell< no role >
P Warrt. of Sr
. Wm. Turner< no role >
charged by her
Tho: Braddyll< no role >
on Suspicon of Stealing out of his
house some Sheets Silver Spoons a watch and other
things of a great value
To Labr
Sarah Padwick< no role >
P Warrt. of Sr
. Wm. Turner< no role >
charged by
Eliza: Hackett< no role >
for Stealing from her a Silver Spoon a
Hood some cloths and Sevall other things
Anne Tompson< no role >
P Warrt: of Sr
. Robt. Jefferys< no role >
charged by
Jeremy Cooper< no role >
on Suspicon of Pilfering sevall things
from her
Jane Glover< no role > This name instance is in set 2947.
taken up by the Constable at one or 2 of
the Clock last night being a Night waker Etc
Rebecca Tayler< no role >
P Warrt. of Lord Mayor being a Comon
night Walker and for want of Suretyes
Martha Evans< no role >
P Warrt: of Lord Mayor charged by
Ralph Pines< no role >
a Constable
for being in the Street to
pick up Strangers
Mary Gerton< no role >
P Warrt. of Sr
. Robt. Jefferys< no role >
Charged by
Mr. Lambert a Constable for being a Lewd Woman