Bridewell Royal Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

6th January 1689 - 8th August 1695

About this document type

Currently Held: Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives

LL ref: BBBRMG202010327

Image 327 of 5003rd November 1693

Jane Murry< no role > P Warrt. of Sr . Robt. Geffery< no role > charged by John
< no role > Constable for being taken up late at night
in the Street Suspected to be a night walker

Jane Glover< no role > This name instance is in set 2947. P Warrt. of Lord Mayor being charged
by James Jenkins< no role > This name instance is in set 2762. for being a Lewd idle Disorderly
Pson that Wandreth about the Streets of this Citty
in the night time to pick up and entire the Youth
of this Citty to Lewdness and Debanchery and being
reputed a Comon night walker

Eliz: Prince< no role > This name instance is in set 27612948. P Warrt. of Sr . John Honblon< no role > accused
upon the Oaths of Boddenham rouse and James
< no role > This name instance is in set 2762. to have Comitted the Art of Lewdness
together and Upon the affirmacon of the said
James Jenkins< no role > the said Eliz: Prince was but this
very last weeks bailed out to Bridwell for being a
night walker, and endeavorning to Pick up him
the said James Jenkins< no role >

Mary Goddard< no role >
Anne Butler< no role > }
P Warrt. of Sr . Robt. Geffery< no role > charged
by John Weatherhill< no role > for being taken
up late at night in the Street with a
Strange Man that made his Escape and could give
noe account of themselves

Lidia Fowks< no role > P Warrt. of Sr . Robt Geffery< no role > charged
by the Chruch wardens of St. Mary Maglalen
Old Fish Street for leaving for leaving a Child
in their parish wch. is become chargable to them
To Labr. till security be
given & left to Sr. Robt.

Margtt. Kerridge< no role > P Warrt. of Mr Recorder being a
Lewd Woman and one that can give noe Account
of herself honest way of Living and for want of

Mary Green< no role >
Susannah Green< no role > }
[..] P Warrt. of Lord Major being
idle vagrant Psons and prtending
themselves to be Gypsies

Sarah Reynolds< no role > P Warrt. of Sr . Robt. Geffery< no role > charged
by Wm. Symons< no role > for comeing into the shop of John
< no role > Senr . his Master and Stealing theme One
pair of Woman shoes value 2s. taken upon her
Suspected to have Stolen severall pairs more
from him

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